Pilates – BRH Physiotherapy

Why join our pilates classes?

Pilates at BRH is taught by one of our Physiotherapists who has additional training in the Pilates method.

This combination of skills is hugely beneficial in identifying which areas in your body need to be worked on to achieve your movement and fitness goals. Pilates teaches you about your own body – where there are hidden weaknesses, where there are over-used muscles and where there is stiffness and tension.

Pilates can be easily adapted to all ability levels from Beginner to Advanced and is a wonderful way to start gaining confidence in moving and strengthening your body. Whether this is after recovering from an injury, starting out on your fitness journey or even if you are an accomplished athlete who wants to cross-train and improve your movement control.

Our Physio/Pilates trainer is skilled in adapting the level of exercise sequences to suit each individual client.

Why should I do pilates?

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